M5 – Working Mother’s 100 Best Companies essay

Today, employment opportunities for mothers is an important issue because many women view pregnancy and childbirth as the end to their professional career and development. However, today, many companies grow more and more concerned with the creation of favorable conditions for working mothers but their efforts are often insufficient to meet all needs of working mothers.

            At this point, it is possible to refer to the experience of Chrysler Group. Chrysler Group is one of the largest US car manufacturers. At the same time, car manufacturing industry was traditionally perceived as male domain with a large share of male employees. However, Chrysler Group has opened new job opportunities for women. For example, the company employed 36% of women in 2012. Therefore, the share of women working in the company increases. At the same time, the company provides women with an opportunity to retain their position in the company, even in case of childbirth. To put it more precisely, the company provides seven weeks of the maternity leave for women that means that women working in the company can take the maternity leave for seven weeks at average that is quite a long period compared to other companies, like Allstate Insurance, for example.

            On the other hand, the company still does not provide child backup care or sick child care that means that the company still focuses on its employees rather than on their family needs. In practical terms, this means that if a child fell ill frequently, female employees will have difficulties with their further employment in the company.

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