Essay on Without Freud, there would be no Surrealism
I Introduction – the emergence of Cubism based on findings of Freud, whose psychoanalysis had made a breakthrough not only in the development of psychology but also art.
Thesis statement: The impact of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis affected the development of psychology but also had a profound impact on artists, who had changed their worldview and perception of the world and humans under the impact of Freud by focusing their attention on the revelation of subconscious through their art that apparently contributed to the rise of Surrealism.
II Background of Freud’s theory and its impact on art
A Freud’s psychoanalysis theory
1 Freud makes discoveries in the field of psychology revealing the existence of subconscious
2 Freud views the development of humans as the struggle of the subconscious and conscious, ego and Id
3 Freud has had a considerable effect on psychology, science and art
B The development of art in the time of Freud’s theoretical developments
1 The rise of modernist movements determined by experiments of artists in the field of art and searches of new sources and means of expressions as well as new ideas, styles and directions in the development of the visual art.
2 The emergence of Freud’s theory attracted artists to the problem of subconscious encouraging experiments with visual forms and styles
III The Rise of Surrealism
A The impact of Freud’s subconscious on Surrealism
The impact of Freud’s subconscious on Surrealism was determinant because it attracted artists to the exploration of the subconscious world, which they could not trace in the regular, real life.
B The distinct feature of Surrealism was the focus on illogical, emotional depiction of various visual images
Works of Surrealists intended to mirror their subconscious because in such a way, they attempted to free their emotions and feelings and, thus, depict the reality as it really is
C The Surrealist art as intent to overcome social biases and conventional view on life and art
The Surrealist art was intended to overcome social biases and conventional view on life and art. They experimented with visual representation relying heavily on their emotions in an attempt to uncover their internal world and convey it to the audience
IV Key contributions of Freud to Surrealism
A Surrealism would be impossible without understanding of the concept of subconscious
B Freud’s theory contributed to the rise of Surrealist belief that there is a different reality compared the one physically observed by artist and the public
V Conclusion
Freud had created the theoretical ground for the emergence of Surrealism, while surrealist artists find sources of inspiration in his theory and attempted to free their subconscious through illogical, surrealistic imagery.
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