Communication in China essay

According to Charles P. Cell (1969) “Communication in China’s Mass Mobilization Campaigns”, the communicative campaign in China serves different roles that include not just the necessity to integrate the society into the campaign, as it is simply a means of controlling the population for the benefit of leaders. Instead, the author notes that the core function of the Chinese campaigns is to change the social tendencies and cultural patterns to ensure that all this is equally beneficial to a greater number of people. In his article, the author explores the roles of the campaigns by stating that the success of the communicative techniques used in the campaigns is much dependent on the persuasion rather than control. Hence the communicative techniques of the campaigns should be based on the implementation of certain changes. The author concludes that the leadership’s efforts to change the patterns of behavior and attitudes of the Chinese society through the communicative techniques and process of mobilization ultimately proved to be some of the greatest social campaigns in the whole history of humanity. However, the mobilization of society via the use of different communicative techniques is undoubtedly not an easy task.

Godwin C. Chu in his article “Radical Change through Communication in Mao’s China” (1977) explores the issue that in contrast to most of other developing states, China has entirely focused on the communication as a core of the development process. The author examines a number of communication patterns emphasizing that the steady development of the Chinese state started along with the implementation of radical changes in the structure of society, which consequently removed a number of barriers and resulted in mobilizing social resources. The author also examines different kinds of communication focusing on the informational, normative and effective ones. These communicative patterns serve a common function of encouraging the primary changes of social structure as an essence of the China’s progress. According to the article, this will ensure the rapid enhancement of productivity and effective management of the development programs.

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