Essay on Modern American History

‘Escape from Sobibor’ is a 1987 British movie aired on CBS. The movie was directed by Jack Gold, a British television director, and then shot in Avala, Yugoslavia’s biggest film company. The movie tells the audience about Sobibor – Hitler’s concentration camp in Poland, one of dozens of Nazi death camps built specifically to exterminate Jews from the Germans conquered countries. It is a place where prisoners were executed only because they were Jews. Indeed, the movie describes many of the well-known aspects of the Holocaust, including tortures and some other medical experiments. In 1943, the members of the camp’s resistance succeeded in the most massive escape in the history of the death camps. As a result, the death camp was closed because of the massive escape of inmates who decided to resist the Nazi ‘order.’

Lieutenant Pechersky, a Soviet prisoner of war, was transferred from one camp to another until he is brought to his final destination – the Sobibor camp. Almost every day new Jews brought to Sobibor were immediately gassed and burned. The overall oppressive atmosphere of imminent death and inhuman conditions make many even powerful people feel depressed and oppressed. However, Lieutenant Pechersky does not loose heart. He, along with a group of like-minded people, begins to prepare an escape. In fact, this is a very complex undertaking requiring a long and laborious preparation.

According to Lieutenant Pechersky’s plan, the prisoners were required to secretly liquidate the SS camp staff, and then seize weapons stockpiled in the camp and kill the guards. The plan succeeded only partially: the rebels were able to kill the part of the SS camp personnel, but they could not seize the armory. The guards opened fire on the prisoners, and they were forced to break out of the camp through the minefields. They managed to crush the guards and go to the forest. However, a significant proportion of prisoners could not escape due to the difficult consequences. After escaping Pechersky led a guerrilla unit and fought until the arrival of the Red Army. After the war, he was a witness at the trial of Ukrainian collaborators – former security guards at Sobibor. Hence, it is possible to see that this edifying movie is based on the true events occurred during World War II. Indeed, the movie makes people not only believe in everything that happens, but also reflect on the terrible and tragic chapter in the history of mankind.

Thus, taking the above-mentioned information into consideration, it is possible to draw a conclusion that ‘Escape from Sobibor’ is a very interesting film that reproduces details of the events that were actually occurred during the Second World War. In fact, it is a truly instructive movie that fully demonstrates the horrors of that period, showing the younger generation the price people has paid for their freedom and prosperity. This tape makes people plunge into that terrible time and allows to feel what the prisoners felt – tortures, torments, and tremendous pains. As a result, ‘Escape from Sobibor’ can rightly be considered to be one of the best movies about the Holocaust. It is highly recommended for those who like watching heroic war movies because it provides only the right thoughts and conclusions about the actual events of those times: about the war, its cruelty, inhumanity and horror of those years.

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