Essay on Modern American History

There are no doubts that the Civil Rights Movement has brought tremendous changes to the whole country. Let us explore some of those changes that has impacted modern day America.

The main impact of the Civil Rights Movement can be seen in abolition of the practice of racial segregation (firstly in the southern states, and then throughout the whole country), and the adoption of a series of laws to protect the rights of black citizens. It leads to equality among the white and black population. Moreover, the movement has changed not only the attitude to the black population, but it also proved that all people should be treated well in spite of their skin color, race, religious views and other specific characteristics.

The Civil Rights Movement helped the country to create new social, legal and political systems because these systems were previously dominated only by the white population. For instance, blacks received the right to vote, to shop, to attend schools, universities and other places together with whites. Blacks always called whites in polite way as “Mr.” or “Mrs.”, although whites seldom bestowed blacks with such a politeness. So, blacks received not only many rights, but the most important thing that they received was a good and respectful attitude to them. So, modern day America became quite another country with people who have equal rights especially due to the Civil Rights Movement.

In addition, the Civil Rights Movement has impacted my life too. For instance, nowadays I have many friends among African-Americans and whites and there are no differences between us. We can visit any place in the country and nobody will try to note that color of our skin is different or that some of us are better. It seems to me that the Civil Rights Movement allowed the country to promote the highest social values better, and it led to very positive results because only in conditions of respect and equality people can improve themselves and lead the country to prosperity.

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