Essay on Politics and Media

According to Dafydd Fell’s (2004) article entitled “Political and Media Liberalization and Political Corruption in Taiwan”, Taiwan has made serious progress in fighting with political corruption, as what was once considered legitimate, has presently become “black corruption”. Country’s multi-party democracy positively influences tackling political corruption and opposition parties liberalize media to alter corrupt plans. Moreover, they broaden the scope of what is recognized as corruption, make corruption related issues more visible and shape new forms of clean governance.  Creation of a more transparent political system in Taiwan opens new horizons for genuine opposition parties and liberalized media sources. These issues receive more attention at the time of election campaigns, and new norms in the country challenge the so called “white corruption”, reduce vote buying and other law violations, promote cleaner norms of governance in such a third wave democracy as Taiwan.

According to Eric Kit-Wai Ma’s (2004) article entitled “Reinventing Hong Kong: Memory, Identity and Television”, commercial television has played a significant role in reinventing Hong Kong identity in terms of political transition. Hong Kong media undergoes serious transformations and commercial media assists in reshaping collective memories and popular imagination of belonging to Chinese nation-state. In commercial television interpretation, not all pasts are capable of becoming useful, while Hong Kong involves both global and local positioning and possesses inborn culture apart from direct national imperative. Hong Kong was forced to nationalize its unique culture, while commercial television played a part in the resinicization of Hong Kong. A particular case of televised collective memory featuring its history, indigenous culture and fostering sense of belonging is the program broadcast on commercial television entitled “Hong Kong Legend”. Taking into consideration the complexity of mediated metamorphosis, Chinese nationalistic identity should negotiate with a city-state of Hong Kong on its historical identity and localized culture.

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