Essay on Post Child Labor

The child labor is absolutely unacceptable in the contemporary world but this trend still persists because companies pursue maximum profits and neglect basic human rights of the least protected group, i.e. children. Today, many companies from developed countries move their production to under-developed nations, where they pay little attention to whether human rights of employees are respected or not. Companies operating in under-developed countries, in their turn, look for the cheapest labor force. As a result, they employ children, whose rights they may fully neglect and force them to work for next to nothing. Children will not be able to confront their employer in any way, while they are much cheaper employee than adults. However, the employment of children leads to the violation of their basic rights granted by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international treaties. As a rule, workplace safety is totally ignore, while, in many instances, children are just unaware of the workplace safety and they just do not know how to work safely. Instead, they just perform tasks that are told to by their manager or supervisor. As a result, the neglect of child rights and the severe exploitation of child labor lead not only to the violation of child rights but also to injuries and considerable health problems. Moreover, the use of child labor has a destructive impact on the local economy and labor market as well as international ones because adult employees in under-developed as well as developed countries lose their jobs which are performed by children. As a result, unemployed workers lose opportunities to earn for living that may trigger emerging crime rates and other social and economic problems. Hence, the child labor should be banned.

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