Essay on The Civil Rights

Although some people consider that the Voting Rights Act was a logical conclusion to the Civil Rights Movement, many people have different views on this issue. Actually, since the Civil Rights coalition seemed to fall apart after 1965, the true promise of the Civil Rights Act and thus the Civil Right Movement were somehow left unfulfilled. For many blacks the Voting Rights Act was crucial as this issue had been the key factor in the presidential election and affected their racial identity. Many blacks were registered as voters (Bolick 234).   In fact, the racial problems were rapidly diminished, but many other social challenges remained unsolved. The Civil Right Act of 1964prohibited racial discrimination practically at all levels of American society. According to researchers, the true legacy of this act was narrowed because the “civil rights reform that left the perpetual promise of the movement unfulfilled” (Waller 195). For example, the implemented approach to civil rights reforms in the United States highlighted in the Civil Rights Movement never challenged the established structure and functioning of the white power system. Due to the Civil Rights Act, black people had got access to public places, as well as obtained equal employment opportunities, comparing with whites’ rights and opportunities (Bond 15).  However, the radical civil rights reform was not supported by the Civil Rights movement. As a result, “the dominant and unassailable structure of exclusion remained in place even while giving the appearance of inclusion” (Waller 195). Undoubtedly, these facts influenced the shift in the protests of African-Americans “from civil rights to black power” (Cashman 206).  Since the 1960, various protest movement were launched because of anti-Vietnam war opposition, increased student activism and unfulfilled civil rights reforms. Thus, I believe that the Voting Rights Act was not a logical conclusion to the Civil Rights Movement.

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