Peter Singer essay

Peter Singer is a well-known philosopher and supporter of sustainable farming and agriculture. He argues that there is no reason for denying moral consideration to animals. Singer challenges the traditional view that animals are not self-conscious and emphasizes that animals can evidently feel pain, they have anatomy and physiology similar to human beings, they demonstrate emotional reactions and have clear behavior parallels with human beings. Moreover, animals also share evolutionary history with human beings, and there is no reason to refuse to apply the same moral reasoning for killing human beings and animals (Singer, 2009).

However, one possible argument for applying moral consideration for only human beings (even those who are yet unable to reason) and not applying it for non-human animals is evolutionary development of species. The evolutionary nature of living beings is such that different species eat the representatives of other species and generally do not have any moral reasons not to do so (Graci, 2010). At the same time, there are many species (and even predators) who tend not to do harm to the representatives of own species (e.g. lions, wolves, etc.).

This tendency can be explained by evolutionary force driving animals to increase the probability of survival of own species. Similar mechanisms are likely to take place in human society: human beings protect other human beings, but are unlikely to protect non-human animals because the latter are in their food chain.

Peter Singer would most likely respond to this argument that human beings no longer have to survive in the wild, and the humanity currently can control its food chain instead of reaching out for every piece of food available. Furthermore, current practices of animal factory farming bring unnecessary cruelty and lead to climate change and excess use of planetary resources (Singer, 2009). So, in Singer view, the argument discussed in the previous passages will be inconsistent for the modern humanity because current farming practices reduce the chances of species survival while responsible “omnivorism” or vegetarianism help the humanity become more sustainable.

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